Crescendo Guestbook Archives
October/November 1999

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Name: JP
City/State/Country: NZ
Date: Tue Nov 30 21:44:16 1999
How you found us: Word of mouth

Hi, Just so you all know, Good Morning is archived in RealVideo for 24 hours - so this Friday's show featuring Tim will be available for viewing at

Name: Peter
City/State/Country: Australia
Home Page:
Date: Sun Nov 28 13:36:56 1999
How you found us: Frenz of the Enz Newsletter

Just heard from Tim who has been bsuy signing copies of SAY IT IS SO for the fanclub release next week (DEC 8th we get stock) so it's not too long to wait now. CD's are coming in from NZ so they took a little bit longer. Thanks for being patient. cheers Peter

Name: John Elliott
City/State/Country: Woking, Surrey, UK.
Date: Sun Nov 28 13:20:20 1999
How you found us: Mailing List

Great to see that you have a new album coming, can't wait to hear it. All the very best with it, and hope to see you on tour soon. Best Wishes, John.

Name: Michael Cockburn
City/State/Country: Melbourne / Victoria / Australia
Date: Fri Nov 26 04:27:26 1999
How you found us: A link from another page

I waiting and waiting for Tim to make the journey back to Melbourne to tour for his new album. Unlike most fans I'm a couple of generations younger, but I've still managed to get a hold on all his albums. But I still am yet to see the man live. So lynn when you find out his Melbourne dates put them up. And mabye if were lucky Andy and Liam will drop buy for a proformance of "I decided to fly" the best song ever! Thanks!! Keep it up Lynn.

Name: Keely
City/State/Country: warwick,ri usa
Date: Thu Nov 25 20:37:14 1999
How you found us: Search Engine

Dear Tim Finn, my name is Keely and I am 25 years old. I am from Providence, RI. I have enjoyed your music from the time I was 13. I still listen to Split Enz songs and songs from your albumb "Big Canoe". You have an amazing creativity that is uniquly yours. Your music is inspiring. You sound like no one else. Although your mass popularity has been limited here in the United States, I have always had a sense of loyalty to your music. You have an amazing talent. I saw Crowded House on thier 1987 World Tour at Great Woods in Massachusettes. I saw them again in 1994. The next time you perform in my area, please send me an E-Mail. I have never actually seen you perform.

Name: Shirley
City/State/Country: Porterville/Ca./U.S.A.
Date: Wed Nov 24 21:18:41 1999
How you found us: Search Engine

AT LAST, AT LAST, AT LAST!!!!!!!!!! A REAL SITE set up for THE MAN who must surely be THE REASON THAT GOD MADE NEW ZEALAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, Lynn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TERRIBLY DISAPPOINTED to miss your inpromtu show at my FAVORITE Irish bar/club in L.A. (Largo). I've enjoyed the shows there that Colin Hay gives for a number of years now!!! PLEASE come to The Central Valley of California when you are on tour!!!!!! are ONE LUCKY WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Tamera Matthews
City/State/Country: Evanston, Il
Date: Wed Nov 24 20:57:13 1999
How you found us: Search Engine

I have to say that Split Enz got me through my teen age years. I admit that I spent a lot of time and money trying to find every song, poster, bit of information, or anything else Split Enz throughout those years. And I went to Australia to find more. I am a lot older now and I have to say I have not changed much! Tim is still my favorite. The only time in my life I was at a lost for words was when I met him. I sent a copy of the picture of Tim & I to everyone too! Now @ work when they play a Tim song over our music system I shout " I met him!" I know it's a little juvenile, but hey, it's a good memory! Don't get me wrong I think brother Neil is great too, but I have to say I listen to Tim more. I'm just thankful that the two brothers have chosen to give so much of themselves. The music is such a wonderful gift. I look forward to every album and every visit. Thank you!

Name: Oliver Muehlberger
City/State/Country: Switzerland, Winterthur
Date: Tue Nov 23 11:00:15 1999
How you found us: A link from another page

It seems that Iam the only fan of the finn circle in switzerland, but tim and neil, if you ever come back please don't forget us here in winterthur. do you remember your concerts at the albani music club? that was great!!! hope to see you soon here, you're always our guests... thanks for your attention oli by the way: if some people would send me a mail to talk about the finn-circle, let's do it!

Name: Regan Merante
City/State/Country: Pittsburgh, PA USA
Home Page:
Date: Fri Nov 19 06:36:30 1999
How you found us: A link from another page

Hello, everyone. If'n there's any way a Finn & Co. tour could come through this area, I know a bunch of fans who'd line up for tickets :-)

Name: Denise Whallon
City/State/Country: San Francisco
Date: Thu Nov 18 15:43:41 1999
How you found us: >A link from another page

Tim, I would just like to say thank you for music that makes cross country drives bearable!!! Secondly...I have always thought myself to be a solid fan, and that my job was to enjoy the music, buy the CD, and suggest to all friends that they do the same. When I came across the various Split Enz and Crowded House web sites...I was must go mad thinking they are in every shrub, ready to document your every move. Just know that a few of us, have no interest where you lunch! Thanks, Denise

Name: Steve
City/State/Country: Hamilton/New Zealand
Date: Tue Nov 16 01:49:41 1999
How you found us: Search Engine

Does anyone know of a copy of a live recording of Tim's Hyacynth from his big canoe album. My Girlfriend loves the song and i want to get her it for christmas...any ideas???

Name: suzy roach
City/State/Country: austin tx
Date: Fri Nov 12 18:23:10 1999
How you found us: Search Engine

Hey Tim! Come tear up LaZona Rosa in Austin like your brother did last year!

Name: Mindi Knudten
City/State/Country: Colorado Springs CO USA
Date: Fri Nov 12 09:07:11 1999
How you found us: A link from another page

Another Finn fan from Colorado!! I hope Tim comes to Denver as well! Neil's Aug 98 Concert was great to see!

Name: John Beaubien
City/State/Country: Denver, Colorado USA
Date: Thu Nov 11 14:09:43 1999
How you found us: A link from another page

Anxiously awaiting the new release. Been a fan of all things Finn since late 70's. Please put the Paramount in Denver on your tour list as Neil did last August ('98).

Name: Koichi Arata
City/State/Country: Tokyo/Japan
Date: Wed Nov 10 14:07:45 1999
How you found us: A link from another page

I'm looking forward to Tim's new recording since last winter I saw you in ALT concert. I've just got "far out" cd and enjoyed it. Great!!

Name: Stefanie Moerbeek
>City/State/Country: UTRECHT/UTRECHT/NL
Date: >Wed Nov 10 11:32:06 1999
How you found us: Mailing List

Hi all, great to hear Tim's new single here for the first time! Thanks for the twinkle, Lynn

Name: Peter
City/State/Country: >Melbourne-Australia
Home Page:
Date: Wed Nov 10 00:28:10 1999
How you found us: Frenz of the Enz Newsletter

Tim fans, well the good news is that we get the SAY IT IS SO new cd in about a week. Around 3 months before the rest of the planet. So if any of you Tim Finn-atics need a copy and want to have it playing instead of Jingle Bells this Xmas send me an email. You DO NOT have to be a club member to obtain this from us. Take care all, the long Tim Finn drought is about to be broken. Peter

>Name: Mike Berry
City/State/Country: Folsom, CA, USA
Date: Tue Nov 9 15:43:33 1999
How you found us: Search Engine

I'm a huge Tim Finn, Neil Finn, CH and Split Enz fan. I love all Tim's solo work, my favorite being Before and After. I've been lucky enough to see Neil Finn in concert, but not Tim. This is something I definitely want to see. I so thrilled to see a new CD coming from Tim, and can only hope he hits the Sacramento/San Francisco area when the tour begins.

Name: Mary
City/State/Country: Cedar Park TX USA
Date: Mon Nov 8 16:28:50 1999
How you found us: Other

Have loved the Finns since '79! Always glad to see a new offering out for me to buy. Tim just has to come to Austin TX if he gets to the U.S. There are alot of fans here eager to see him!

Name: Jantine van der weijden
City/State/Country: the netherlands
Home Page:
Date: Mon Nov 8 15:07:14 1999
How you found us: Frenz of the Enz Newsletter

Keep up the good work !!

Name: Andrea Barany
City/State/Country: Monor, Hungary
Date: Sun Nov 7 13:28:47 1999
How you found us: Mailing List

Thanks for making Tim's new single available to download from your site! It is virtually impossible to find Finn stuff in Hungary, so I really appreciate this. I can't wait for the album, it should be a good one if this track is anything to go by. Great song, Tim!

Name: Chris Camfield
City/State/Country: Ottawa/Ontario/Canada
Date: Sun Nov 7 09:37:15 1999
How you found us: Other

Read about the page on the forum. Hurray! Twinkle is a great song and has really whetted my appetite for the new album. I;ll be praying that Tim will be able to play in Canada sometime. Chris

Name: Sean Storrs
City/State/Country: Tempe, Arizona USA
Date: Sat Nov 6 14:50:37 1999
How you found us: Mailing List

Tim: Thank you for pre-releasing "Say It Is So". The fact that you're willing to do it despite considerable financial and logistical issues is admirable. Cheers and all the best, Sean Storrs P.S. : My sincere condolences regarding the All Blacks.

Name: Saibh ó Muireadhaigh
City/State/Country: Australia
Date: Sat Nov 6 02:16:36 1999
How you found us: Mailing List

Tim, can't wait to see you perform New Years in the Domain. Keep up the musical brilliance. Lynn, great site your hard work is obvious! Keep it all going.

Name: Janine Wilson
City/State/Country: Shepparton, Victoria, Australia
Date: Mon Nov 1 20:05:42 1999
How you found us: Frenz of the Enz Newsletter

What a sexy voice! Better than I ever dreamed a comeback would be(did he go somewhere?) Love the lyrics, melody, the voice & of course, the man - & that's only on the first listen!

Name: Jen
City/State/Country: London, UK
Date: Mon Nov 1 06:28:15 1999
How you found us: Word of mouth

GREAT to hear Twinkle - it's SUCH a fab song!!!!! I really, really, REALLY like it!!! Looking forward to the album. Good onya Tim! Jenx

Name: Darrell
City/State/Country: Prudhoe, UK
Date: Mon Nov 1 02:12:40 1999
How you found us: Mailing List

Great page....keep it up Darrell

Name: Kathryn Rae
City/State/Country: Hamilton,New Zealand
Date: Sun Oct 31 11:55:43 1999
How you found us: Mailing List

A beautiful page for a beautiful man. Thanks.

Name: Pody Pauluk Hansbrough
City/State/Country: Beverly, Mass. (via L.A.,California) US
Date: Sun Oct 31 04:52:53 1999
How you found us: Word of mouth

This page is beautiful! Lynn you rock! as well as Tim who really rocks! I have been enjoying Mr.Tim Finn's music now going on over 20 years now..I am so glad he is still sharing with us his talents. And I wish him and his all of the love in the world.

Name: Helen
City/State/Country: Russia/Kaluga
Date: Fri Oct 29 10:45:52 1999
How you found us: Other

Hi, Tim! I like everything what happen with me in this strange life. And thank you for the music. Helen.

Name: Paul
City/State/Country: Sunny So. Cal
Date: Thu Oct 28 16:09:41 1999
How you found us: Search Engine

Lynn -- Great work -- a lovely site. I plan to visit often. And, of course, I can't wait to lay my ears on Tim's new album.

Name: Retta Harvey
City/State/Country: Nashville, TN/USA
Date: Tue Oct 26 07:38:27 1999
How you found us: Search Engine

Been a huge fan of Enz/Crowded & Solo stuff for way to long to admit. One of the most amazing shows I've seen to date was Finn's final show in Los Angeles at the Ford Theatre a while back. A perfect setting for two consumate musicians. Tim was the full-on comedian the whole night. Love Love Love!!!

Name: Janine Wilson
City/State/Country: Shepparton, Victoria, Australia
Date: Mon Oct 25 15:56:48 1999
How you found us: Frenz of the Enz Newsletter

When do we get more pics? Can't be too hard, Tim has been around for a year or two.Why can't I click on the front page photo to print it any more? Sorry, worshippers have infinite appetites.

Name: verleysen alain
City/State/Country: aalst belguim
Date: Wed Oct 20 09:03:49 1999
How you found us: Frenz of the Enz Newsletter

how do i get on a mailinglist finally i hope that tim will come to belgium alain

Name: Nafa
City/State/Country: Tampa, FL, USA
Home Page:
Date: Sun Oct 17 12:50:32 1999
How you found us: Frenz of the Enz Newsletter

So glad to see this site!!! Tim Finn has been an incredible influence on my musical career and what else can I say that hasn't been gushed about how wonderful he is already? :)

Name: Karen
City/State/Country: Woodbury, CT
Home Page:
Date: Sat Oct 16 19:44:42 1999
How you found us: Frenz of the Enz Newsletter

I'm so looking forward to Tim's new album. Thanks so much to Peter Green and Frenz of the Enz for making that mini-album available. I've played it for a few of my "indie loving" music friends, and they were a bit surprised who recorded it! Make it a little rough around the edges, and there you go... --Karen

Name: Karen Clapton
City/State/Country: Utrecht, Holland
Date: Fri 16 Oct 15:54:04 1999
How you found us: Frenz of the Enz Newsletter

Look forward to the new cd!!!

Name: Angie Ratliff
City/State/Country: Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Date: Fri Oct 15 11:08:47 1999
How you found us: Search Engine

how do I get on a mailing list?

City/State/Country: VANCOUVER, CANADA
Date: Wed Oct 13 22:43:12 1999
How you found us: Search Engine

you are still an incredibly handsome man.

Name: Janine Wilson
City/State/Country: Shepparton, Victoria, Australia
Date: Wed Oct 13 16:20:31 1999
How you found us: Frenz of the Enz Newsletter

Bit disappointed in Bio. It's more like a current profile. I know most of his past is common knowledge but I thought there would be dumb stuff like being honored by the Queen(big deal) but some people don't know that, what films his music has appeared in - just the sort of rubbish that fans hunger for.

Name: valerie hilligan
City/State/Country: san francisco, ca, usa
Home Page:
Date: Sun Oct 10 17:25:58 1999
How you found us: Search Engine

lovely site. i've loved the finns since i heard six months in a leaky boat when i was a kid...and an ALT show practically changed my life. thank you!

Name: Karena Hoyer
City/State/Country: Wollongong, Australia
Home Page:
Date: Sun Oct 10 02:47:19 1999
How you found us: Mailing List

Heya Frenz! Just realised that I haven't left a message here yet, where are my manners Lynn? Tim is one of the greatest singer/songwriters to walk on the earth! Can't wait to see the man live! Firstly with the Enz this New Years and then when her comes back to the land of Oz for a tour with his new album. Can't wait mate! It's all happening people. Oh yeah, don't forget to visit my site for more Tim things - articles & Oz top 40 chart info. See you all soon at the Enz gig! Yay!!

Name: Anne
City/State/Country: currently texas, usa--but i'm not FROM texas!
Date: Fri Oct 8 20:48:13 1999
How you found us: Mailing List

Tim, your music has changed my life and provided more inspiration than you could ever know. thank you for improving my life and changing the way i think. and lynn, thank you for making this website for fans of mr. finn!

Name: Eric Garland
City/State/Country: Los Angeles/CA/USA
Date: Fri Oct 8 17:14:22 1999
How you found us: Word of mouth

Been waiting for a page like this one for AGES, and I know I've not been alone...

Name: wilson evans
City/State/Country: Watauga, Texas, USA
Date: Tue Oct 5 21:00:18 1999
How you found us: A link from another page

I have been enjoying Tim and Neil's music since I saw them on a early video program called "Video Concert Hall". I can't wait for the new record.

Name: Jackie
City/State/Country: Lake Macquarie, NSW, Australia
Date: Tue Oct 5 20:41:11 1999
How you found us: Mailing List

A cheery wave and greetings to fellow Finn fans, and thank you to Tim for some spine-tingling music over the years. And congratulations to Lynn on the site - it's looking great!

Name: Nancie
City/State/Country: Mahopac, NY, USA
Home Page:
Date: Tue Oct 5 18:34:00 1999
How you found us: Mailing List

Lynn, spectacular work as usual. I'm so glad to see a first rate Tim site up. Thanks!

Name: Amy
City/State/Country: Washington, DC
Date: Tue Oct 5 17:08:14 1999
How you found us: Word of mouth

Can't wait for the new album. Tim - if you read this - I know the DC concert crowd isn't that great, but please play here. I promise my brother will yell obscenities at you again when you refuse to play Shark Attack - kidding!

Name: Kathy
City/State/Country: Alexandria, VA, USA
Home Page:
Date: Tue Oct 5 13:57:51 1999
How you found us: Frenz of the Enz Newsletter

Second message, same day: Tim, you're the best. Told you it would happen. Hope you read this. Too bad for me you don't answer fan mail, after the first two, I quit :-(. Oh, well, I tried. Hope all's well. Good Luck and can't wait to hear your new CD. And yes, I still think the first paragraph of Water Into Wine are about me....and, yes, I'm not letting up about it either! :-) Love, ya. Kathy K. xxxooo

Name: Kathy
City/State/Country: Alexandria, VA, USA
Home Page:
Date: Tue Oct 5 13:52:08 1999
How you found us: Search Engine

Hay man, finanlly, huh? Kathy a/k/ Water Into Wine from Old Town, Alexandria, VA USA

Name: Meredith Trunk
City/State/Country: Charlotte, NC, USA
Date: Tue Oct 5 07:35:10 1999
How you found us: A link from another page


Name: Mark Stenger
City/State/Country: Atlanta/GA/USA
Date: Sat Oct 2 15:40:09 1999
How you found us: Other

Been under the spell since True Colors!

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